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What is Hellerwork?

Hellerwork Structural Integration understands the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit through the integration of mechanical, psychological, and energetic principles.

Eleven themed bodywork sessions take you through a transformative process that creates space for new possibilities; physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

Hellerwork incorporates deep tissue bodywork, somatic dialogue, and movement education to address and release tension, stress, and pain in the body.

Hellerwork and the Fascial System

Hellerwork specifically addresses the fascial system.

Fascia is the body’s connective tissue; it is an interwoven system that provides a framework for our bones, muscles, organs and blood vessels.

Fascia forms to function, so every movement you make affects how your framework is built.

Fascia is also protective by nature, therefore if you have an injury that did not heal properly, your entire framework is affected by this compensation. Addressing this unique and complex system allows a “re-structuring” of this framework to improve overall physical alignment.

This hands-on approach with your fascia, allows the fascia to change and be “re-molded” to an optimal state. Clients often notice less tension, increased energy, more fluidity and ease of movement, improved flexibility, increased energy and overall improvement of well-being!

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Hellerwork Works!

“Katherine is a gifted and trusted Hellerwork practitioner whom I have been working with personally and professionally for ten years. She has seen me through numerous marathons, two healthy pregnancies and has worked with me to correct numerous structural imbalances from 12 years of planting trees on our rugged north coast.  As an ND I have referred numerous friends and patients to her with excellent feedback and results.  Katherine is able to hold a space that allows one to feel vulnerable and supported, which facilitates deep healing on all levels. I have complete confidence in her skills and highly recommend working with her.”

K.S. Naturopathic Physician

For Katherine Leslie Pearce C.H.P. & Hellerwork

“When people ask me if I get anybody work done, I say I do, and it’s like magic. Since discovering Ross at Body-Wize, I have not gone to any other specialist, and I only need to see Ross when I reinjure myself or stop following his simple guidance or just because I absolutely love how well my body works after. 

In my first round of visits, Ross worked on recent injuries as well as pain I had come to accept as my new normal – severe back pain, shoulder issues, problems in my feet, to name a few.  I had spent years and loads of time and money going to various specialists with moderate success, but I had to keep up my visits regularly. Now when I follow Ross’s simple recommendations around movement and some simple exercises, I am able to remain pain-free indefinitely.”

Dawn T.

For Ross Short, C.H.P & Hellerwork

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How Hellerwork Works!

What is Structural Integration?

Structural Integration is based on the work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. who developed a process-based approach that explores the possibility of change in how you use and experience your body. SI systematically addresses your body as a whole, usually over a series of sessions.

What is the difference between Hellerwork Structural Integration and Massage Therapy?

Hellerwork Structural Integration is the process of showing someone how they move currently and how they can move more efficiently to reduce pain, increase ease of movement and ultimately improve their quality of life. Hellerwork Structural Integration is a proactive modality; you are participating during a Hellerwork session to optimize your greatest health and wellness potential.

Who certifies Hellerwork Structural Integration practitioners?

Certified Hellerwork Practitioners are licensed by Hellerwork International through the Hellerwork Structural Integration Training Program. This training program is approved by the International Association of Structural Integrators. Practitioners who also display the Board Certified Structural Integrator (BCSI) credential have graduated from an IASI-approved training program and passed a basic competency exam.  

What is Hellerwork?

Hellerwork is a structural integration modality that uses soft tissue manipulation,  and movement re-education to bring the body back to a natural state of alignment and balance. Hellerwork also uses somatic dialogue to create a better understanding of one’s own body and movement capacity.

How does Hellerwork Structural Integration help with pain management?

Pain lives in the soft tissue of our bodies. Hellerwork focuses on manipulating this soft tissue in order to release pain, tension and stress in the body. Hellerwork also provides movement re-education to the client in order to bring awareness to the root cause of their pain. 

Is Hellerwork Structural Integration covered by insurance?

If your health plan offers wellness benefits for alternative health solutions, yes!

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